A wave of freshness

Hello from the other side,

It’s a beautiful day. A month ago, we were all trying to run faster than the clock but all of a sudden, it seems like the entire world stood still. The near-empty roads…people patiently standing in long queues with one arm’s distance between each other, everything seems unusual.

However, with you locked up in our homes, do all the days seem like the same? Monotony must have got the best of us. Not to worry. Team Naavigo to your rescue…

Here’s how you can add a wave o freshness to your regular Quarantine day-

• Refresh your mind with a whole new genre of music. And ditch the songs that you’ve been listening for the past 15 years.
• Learn to cook a new cuisine. Relish your favourite tacos o, but this time make it yourself.
• Jog down the memory lane by peacefully sitting with a photo album in your lap!
• Give yourself a makeover. Or better, cut those bangs, colour your hair green, bring your wildest fantasies to reality.
• Google for underrated movies from a language you’re alien to and watch them. You might end up becoming a fan.
• Take out the book that made you cry and write down a different climax to it.

The quarantine has brought you innumerable opportunities to explore . Do everything that you ever wanted to and anything that you never wanted to. Until then, here’s a virtual hug from the team Naavigo.

With Love,
Your Quarantine 2.0 Companions.

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